Installing a WordPress website is a very simple and easy task. It takes less than five minutes to create your own WordPress site. This article will guide you step-by step how to install WordPress Blog in IIS.
IIS should run on you local machine
PHP should be configured and running on your IIS server
create a file with the following script and save as a php and run it on your local server.
MySQL database should be installed in the local machine
Step 1:
To begin with you must create a database in MySQL server running in your local machine. If you don’t have MySQL in your machine you can download it here.
Step 2:
Next you should download the latest WordPress version here.
Step 3:
Once you’ve finished with the downloading, extract the .ZIP file into the folder you created for your new WordPress site in order to get the relevant files and folders. Then find the file wp-config-sample.php and rename it to wp-config.php.
Step 4:
Now open wp-config.php file and edit the database name, user name and the password as follows.
/** The name of the database for WordPress */ define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘the_online_teacher’); /** MySQL database username */ define(‘DB_USER’, ‘wpuser‘); /** MySQL database password */ define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘123‘);
Step 5:
Now it’s time to get the authentication unique keys using the below mentioned link.
* Authentication Unique Keys and Salts.
* Change these to different unique phrases!
* You can generate these using the {@link secret-key service}
Next copy the keys in the wp-config.php file
*/ define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘`1PK( ^Usjz=$O`&hzG0854|=Wx-_Z<CeYZ,p~W`c+7GqIJAG63Sqvvd*Fq(l4b!’); define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘P6QO#Y,7>W<h!T88;3yWKfoaWY.q&Bp27!S|W_T^; mi#Z[z:(!i+gXcc/]BP;/l’); define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘yW/YBk^.*r+{+S_2bn<H(.g6 %~>#ge9~?G gZ>2*TG:T`p|Dv`b+feJA7MWTK4%’); define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘/-1l;P*rhp`ta4Ypx!lsB|IEgv><u`IWc{]nRRAE*9dI><:fqdFZtcdL{tda5Epp’); define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘o?JU09YZR8S+C^imRn&ar+A]HFw~4M[ |t} ZbeFFJm?mA8c|*kd#D<uSJ^ad@%f’); define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘<Z}*PgJ?)-H|SF43VEY+Iw^KwtnIK:;(*e@P%5p=Y64g_O/d Es72K!UVo$!(:hu’); define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘<YW1tE32V%-/u}6E=6{}^bGn=`Uq<q*Nz D_kbNy@^9HW<8O+~w%Fl4asKg=|LKA’); define(‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘;O!PHg?VaCu^Em[|e-gq{7*?+|U7Cc55O`xsm8.3;#1kVX(MxX`v9axb^+7:udEW’); /**#@-*/
Step 6:
In this step you have to configure the folder with the web server. Since we use IIS server, first we need to do web sharing for the folder.
This is how it should be done.
Right click the folder you created for your new WordPress site. Then select ‘Sharing and Security’. Next select ‘web sharing’. There you have to select the option ‘Share this folder’. Finally hit ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’.
Step 7:
Precede the internet service settings.
Here are the steps to do it.
Go to Start. Select Run and type ‘inetmgr’. Then you’ll be in ‘Internet Information Services’.
Getting ‘Internet Information Services’ can also be done in another way.
Go to Start. Select ‘Control Panel’. Double click ‘Administrative Tools’. Double click ‘Internet Information Services’. Now you’re in ‘Internet Information Services’.
Once you get ‘Internet Information Services’ follow the steps given below.
Expand ‘Web Site’. Click ‘Default Web Site’. Right click on the web site you created. Select ‘Properties’. Click ‘Remove’. Click ‘Create’. Select ‘Directory Security’. Click ‘Edit’. Select ‘Anonymous access’. Finally hit ‘OK’
Step 8:
Go to your web browser and type the following link.
http://localhost/folder name (e.g. the_online_teacher)/wp-admin/ install.php
Now hit ‘Enter’.
E.g. http://localhost/the_online_teacher/wp-admin/install.php
Step 9:
Now you are in wp-admin/install.php
Set a Title, Password and E-mail and enter. Now you are able to log in.
Step 10:
Close the welcome message that you see just after logging in, by clicking the option ‘Dismiss’ on the top-right-corner of the message.
Now you are in your WordPress site dashboard.
Now, to visit the site, click the site name which is on the top-left-corner of the page. There you are in your WordPress site home page.
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