This is a common error message that you come a cross when you upgrade or install wordpress 3.1 in to your server. It happens for both windows and none windows servers.
Commons symptom is that the dashboard is working you can perform all the back office activities but moment you want to view the site postings get messed up and you will get above error message too many redirects.

Why this message really comes? WordPress 3.1 they have changed the default permalinks behavior to safe guard against the spam and hackers. this will lead to give the error 310. You can fix this problem and bring back the normal behavior back again with this plugin Permalink Fix & Disable Canonical Redirects Pack
This plugin makes WordPress’ default permalinks behavior work on the Concentric/XO Communications shared hosting platform. It also disables the c

This plugin ensures the REQUEST_URI variable is set during the initialization of WordPress, allowing permalinks to work correctly.

How to install it as follows

The REQUEST_URI variable is not set correctly by the server platform. This plugin builds each variation of REQUEST_URI by peicing together other available variables.

  1. Upload the ‘permalink-fix-disable-canonical-redirects-pack’ folder to the ‘wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Log into the WordPress dashboard and activate the plugin.
Once all done try accessing your home page it will work perfectly.